About Us

PT. Lautan Mas Pertiwi is a company that operates in the food commodity sector in the form of rice founded in 2005. Not only producing local rice and organic rice, PT. Mas Pertiwi Ocean too included as one of the largest importers and distributors of imported rice in Indonesia. Various types of rice These imports come from various countries in all parts of the world, such as Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, India and Pakistan. To be able to produce the best local rice, our company also has land agriculture in West Java which is equipped with sophisticated machine technology.


Producing and distributing rice the best quality in all regions of Indonesia.

Our Mission

- Helping improve the standard of living of the people Indonesian farmers by selling local rice high quality. - Using advanced technology always innovate by conducting research and sustainable development for can produce premium rice products quality. - Building relationships and community networks thanks to various business partners, good domestically and abroad for expand market share.